Saturday, October 28, 2006

2 New Layouts

This time change is a bad thing...I changed my clocks early tonight so I wouldn't it's just given me an excuse to stay up late and scrap!! I'll be paying for it tomorrow because I have a sneaking suspicion that the kids will be totally unaware of the time change and will be ready to get up at what will now be 5am!! Mmmm...on that note, I think I'm going to bed now! :-)


Here's maddy on her pumpkin throne! She just loves the pumpkin patch...she chose a tiny white pumpkin this time.

Preston was just amazed by all the pumpkins...and drumroll...we actually took a photo of the whole family:

I always carry the camera so it's very rare for me to be in a picture, much less all four of us!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

First School Pictures!

I just love how these came out...I think the photographer is a miracle worker...I don't know how he ever got her to pose like that.

And here's Maddy enjoying a recent rainy day. What a character!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

She couldn't be cuter

A self portrait of Madeleine that she drew in class today. I love all the projects she's doing at school. It's like opening a present when she comes home. I'll have to take a picture of her cute schoolbag and post it...they screen their pictures on them!

And here's a photo I captured of Maddy when she was doing her "cowboy accent." Her voice suddenly develops a southern twang when she puts this hat's hysterical!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Ahhh...a day off!

It was so much fun to hang out with the kids all day yesterday...even got a chance to go to the park. I'm pretty sure this is Preston's first time in a swing! He loved it.

And here's the duo...still getting along (for the most part :-)

...and the proof that Preston is indeed pulling up to stand...we can't keep him down, in fact!

--lastly, one of many pictures of Madeleine & Bastian getting some z's